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Briefing Recap - Universal Healthcare

Sally Augden | Published on 4/10/2024
The LWVDenver briefing on March 19, a viewing of the documentary “Healing US,” attracted more than 50 attendees, a record for our Zoom briefings. The documentary, about the need for and the possibility of universal health care in the United States, is a review of the economic rationale for a better system for insuring quality health care for all citizens and the recitation of very human stories of how our current health insurance system is failing Americans.  

For those who viewed the film this week and would like to take action, sharing the film is a major plus, as is supporting the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care (, the organization sponsoring it. Preparing the electorate for a future ballot issue is paramount. The goal is to realize a universal system in enough states that the Congress sees this as a viable effort for the entire country. The documentary is available on “Healing US” can also be accessed on Amazon Prime and Vimeo. 

Sally Augden