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1980 Dahlia Street
Denver, CO 80220


Get Involved - Join a Committee

Voter Service Committee

This committee has many crucial functions: voter registration, including potential voters in our schools, and those in our Denver jails; and voter education, including analyzing the issues on the ballot, speaking to groups about these issues, and hosting candidate forums, although never supporting or opposing candidates. If you are only interested in being trained as a circulator to register voters, that opportunity is also available.

Voter Service Chair

Lisa Haddox -

Program Committee

This committee plans the briefing calendar for the year, assigning individual briefings to volunteers who set up the speaker(s) and the topics to be covered. The Program Area is also in charge of advocacy based on our established positions, whether it is a letter to the editor, the City Council, the school board or a League representative speaking at a public meeting.

Director of Program

Sue Stark -

Membership Committee

This group promotes League membership by both gaining new and retaining existing members. They plan events to introduce potential members to what we do, attend events where we can display literature and encourage new members to get involved.

Membership Chair

Cassie Bishop -

Development Committee

This committee is the fundraising arm of League, planning fundraising events, promoting contributions, and applying for grants to promote our mission.

Development Convener

Bobbie Heisterkamp - 

LWVCO Task Forces

At the state level, the League of Women Voters of Colorado has many task forces on specific topics of interest to League members. Here is a link to their website and the list of these task forces. If you click on a specific task force, you will find details about their studies and the contact person. We’d love to see Denver members join these task forces. Members of the Denver League are also members of LWVCO.

LWVCO Website

List of task forces