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1980 Dahlia Street
Denver, CO 80220

Date: 8/22/2024
Subject: LWV of Denver VOTER - September
From: League of Women Voters of Denver

The LWVD Newsletter
 September 2024

Fall Kickoff Event

Tuesday, September 17, 5:30 p.m.
In Person at Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church

Topic:  Funding Education in Colorado: Where We Are and Where We Should Be


Kristen Hultquist
Chair of the Board of Trustees at
MSU Denver 
Lisa Weil
Great Education Colorado 
 KristinHultquist Lisa Weil 


Colorado’s educational ranking and the funding of public education here, both K-12 and higher ed, do get attention in the press. We read that Colorado’s ranking by various measures of spending on K-12 education ranges from 37th to 47th in the nation, and higher education public funding ranks 49th.  Colorado incomes rank among the top five in the country and our state has the 5th most highly educated residents in the nation, but the number of Colorado high school students who go on to college is 10 percentage points below the national average. Our teacher pay rate ranks near the bottom nationally when the cost-of-living here is factored in. Barely one out of three Colorado high school graduates are able to complete a college degree, and students of color have even lower completion rates overall.  The Colorado legislature passes bills that aim to improve school financing, but what is the reality in our classrooms?

Hearing these sharp disparities in information, labeled the “Colorado Conundrum,” the League of Women Voters of Denver decided to focus our Fall Kick-off briefing on Colorado’s educational funding: where are we, and where should we be. Guests are always welcome.

Two speakers with strong backgrounds in education policy will give depth and breadth to these issues. Lisa Weil, Executive Director of Great Education Colorado, and Kristin Hultquist, Chair of the Board of Trustees of Metro State University, will be the presenters.  

Lisa is a product of Greeley District 6 schools and the mother of two DPS graduates. She co-founded Great Ed with four fellow preschool moms in 2003. Before diving into public education advocacy, she was a public interest attorney and political consultant. She is driven by a belief that a vital, equitable public education system is the foundation for individual success, family well-being, thriving communities, a strong democracy, a just society and a vibrant economy.

Kristin is a nationally-known expert in higher education policy and strategy development. Her 30-year career includes work at the federal and state levels, where she focuses on policies that improve opportunity and economic mobility, particularly for first generation college graduates like herself. She is a founding partner of HCM Strategists, a public policy and advocacy consulting firm founded in 2008.

Sally Augden and Sue Stark

Fall Briefing Calendar

Don't stop at the Kick-Off Briefing!  Mark you calendars for these fall events.

Denver Ballot Issues Briefing
Tuesday, October 1, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m
(Note earlier time because of the vice-presidential debate)
In person at Montview Church
In collaboration with Colorado Social Legislation Committee

Education-Related Ballot Issues Briefing
Tuesday, October 15, 5:30 p.m.'
In person at Montview

November Briefing
Tuesday, November 19, 5:30 p.m.
Topic/Speaker TBD
Probably via Zoom


Voter Service - A Busy Election Season

Voter Registration – Lots to do in September!
As with every presidential election year, there is heightened interest in voter registration.  Our LWV Denver Circulators will be busy in September registering voters and helping individuals check their mailing addresses for ballots.  We’ll be headed to colleges and universities, Mile High Youth Corps, high schools, retirement communities, health clinics, Lush Cosmetics, and Stanley Marketplace.  We’ve been supporting the Denver Clerk and Recorder’s Office at community events this summer.

Circulators Jane Goleman, Susan Trahan, and Rita Hughes assisting the Denver Clerk and Recorder’s Office with voter registration at the Colorado Dragon Boat Festival at Sloan’s Lake in July – it was a hot one!

Another Article about a League Success

While this article by the Harvard Kennedy School credits LWVCO, we know that it is primarily due to the hard work of Denver Leaguer Anne Duncan that jail-based voting in Denver is a success.  Read the article entitled "In Denver, a Model for Jail-Based Voting" here.

Voter Education – Learn about Ballot Issues!
The Olympics are over, but Denver might yet earn a medal for the November 2024 election – a record number of ballot issues!  There will be approximately 16 Colorado ballot issues, 10 Denver ballot issues, and an RTD measure.  Combine this with candidate elections and the retention of judges, and the ballot will be many pages long.  Fun Fact:  The Clerk and Recorder’s Office has ordered extra-large envelopes to handle the ballot size.

League of Women Voters of Denver will prepare written information on the ballot issues, explaining what yes and no votes mean.  This will be available online and in print form.  There will also be two in-person briefings on the ballot issues, scheduled for the evenings of October 1 and October 15, at Montview Presbyterian Church.  We hope to have video clips about each ballot issue available on the LWV Denver website, if you’re not able to attend the events.

And in case you missed this opportunity - Become an Election Judge for the November Election!
Consider signing up to be a judge for the November election with the Denver Elections Division.  There are a wide variety of tasks described in the Information Sheet.  Use the Placement Survey to identify your interests.  These are paid positions!

Lisa Haddox, Voter Service Chair

Volunteers Needed for Speakers Bureau

Thanks to all who have volunteered so far to speak on the November ballot issues! It is going to be a busy election season though, and LWV Denver has already received several requests for speakers to present ballot information to groups such as community organizations, residential facilities, etc. If you are interested in being a speaker or knowing more about it, please contact Lisa Haddox -  We provide you the written information and a PowerPoint presentation for you to use.  This is a great way for our members to better understand the ballot and share this knowledge with others. 

LWV Denver Board of Directors Meetings

Your 14-member Board meets monthly, usually on the second Monday at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. These meetings are open; if you are interested in attending, let Fran know in the office. Occasionally, the board meets in a special meeting as they will on September 16 to decide whether LWV Denver should take positions on the Denver ballot issues this fall. Our new Director of Organization Jeanette Scotland has suggested we again publish Board Highlights in the Denver VOTER or in the Weekly Update that publishes most Thursdays. We begin below.

Board Highlights

Tuesday, August 13

As to be expected, Voter Service activities dominate the fall schedule as well as the meeting. The following activities are just some of what Lisa Haddox and her committee will be doing this fall:
  • Presenting their research on exactly what the many Denver ballot issues mean
  • Using that research to present the information to groups who request it
  • Continuing to register voters at multiple events around the city
  • Encouraging our new Youth Council to introduce activities which will help engage younger voters.

Director of Program Sue Stark and her committee are planning the Kick-Off in September, working with Voter Service to present two briefings in October on voting issues, as well as a briefing in November.

Sue is also seeking members to research the Federal Judicial System/Supreme Court for a briefing next year.

A brief summary of our Board Retreat on July 31 was presented by Jeanette Scotland.

The Board is encouraging members to join committees and units. The Membership Committee and the Development Committees are, in particular, seeking members.

2024 Indoor Bulb Sale a Success!

Congratulations to the Denver League for selling over $5300 in amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs this spring, as well as collecting over a $1000 in donations. Although there are still some unknowns, we anticipate our expenses to be a little over $2000.

This is the first year we have sold only indoor forcing bulbs, so thank you for making our first year such a success. Many of us are looking forward to celebrating the beauty of many varieties of amaryllis and paperwhites this winter!

A reminder that the amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs will be delivered to the City Park Greenhouse in October. We’ll contact you when your order is ready.

Barb Mattison, Bulb Sale Chair

Training series for League members to engage on a variety of vital election topics ahead of voting in the 2024 general election


League members are invited to attend each of these weekly trainings. Recordings and resources will be made available on the website. Each webinar will be one hour long, except for the Bystander Training & Voter Intimidation session, which will be 90 minutes. More informaton here:

Join us (location to be determined) to learn and discuss Initiative 89, which will be on the upcoming ballot in November's election. We'll be welcoming representatives from Cobalt and community members that led the charge to get Initiative 89 on the ballot. 

Members and non-members welcome! Please feel free to bring a friend.

What is Initiative 89?

"Shall there be a change to the Colorado constitution recognizing the right to abortion, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting the state and local governments from denying, impeding, or discriminating against the exercise of that right, allowing abortion to be a covered service under health insurance plans for Colorado state and local government employees and for enrollees in state and local governmental insurance programs?"

Cassie Bishop, Membership Committee

Are you passionate about the League of Women Voters of Denver?

Help us welcome new members into our League by joining the Membership Committee!

We meet monthly to discuss new ways to recruit members and spread the word about the amazing things we're doing at LWVD. In the past year we've started up a Book Club and reintroduced Drinks & Dialogue. Email Cassie Bishop (, Membership Chair, to learn more today! 

LWV Denver Units

A great place for meaningful conversations

Cheesman Unit  
Next in-person meeting September 24 (the 4th Tuesday of the month) at 9:30 a.m.
Bobbie Heisterkamp’s home
Leader: Bobbie Heisterkamp (303-333-6818)

Cherrington Unit
Meets in person Thursday following briefings at 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Next meeting September 19, location TBD
Leader: Peg Oldham (720-220-3988)

Highland/Woodbury Unit
In-person meetings the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m.
Next meeting September 18th at Sassafras Restaurant
3927 W 32nd Ave, (80212)
Leader: Sally Augden (303-455-5800)       

Observatory Unit
Meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom or in person
September social get-together Tuesday, September 3 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Home of Patricia Andrews, 2800 S University Blvd. Unit 4, phone: 504-415-4729
Newcomers welcome.
Leader:  Diane Young (303-886-3365),

VOTER Articles Welcome!

We welcome articles from all members.  We usually publish the VOTER on the fourth Thursday, so the deadline to submit articles is the Friday before. 

 VOTER   Article Deadline       Voter Publication Date
October  Friday, September 20  Thursday, September 26
November  Friday, October 18  Thursday, October 24

Please send your articles or ideas about articles to

Consider a Sustaining or Benefactor Membership

We appreciate all those who pay $60 to be a member. However, the LWV Denver can only keep $8 of that $60 and the rest goes to Per Member Payments to the LWVCO and LWVUS.  For those who are able, think about paying a sustaining $125 membership that gives the LWV Denver $73 or a benefactor $300  membership that gives the LWV Denver $248 to use for our education activities, to support our office and to continue our voter service resources for the city of Denver.  Thank you!

Bobbie Heisterkamp, Treasurer

Please Renew Your Membership or
Become a Member Today

If you received this email VOTER and are not a member, please consider joining us. If it's time to renew your membership, consider doing it online.

Follow this link to join or renew at one of our membership levels and remember that it covers Denver, Colorado and National membership. Also, please consider renewing at the sustaining or benefactor membership level. Membership dues are tax deductible. 


Regular Individual Membership  $60
Sustaining membership (includes an additional donation) $125
Benefactor membership (includes additional donation)


Two regular members at the same address
Two sustaining members at the same address (includes an additional donation)  $150 
Two benefactor members at the same address (includes an additional donation)  


Member needing assistance with paying dues
Part or full-time student $10

Members:  Forward this VOTER and encourage your friends and neighbors to join!  

1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220